Sunday, October 23, 2011

Florida Vacation: Great trip filled with great faces

We have taken a week long vacation each year but never have we had so many people be able to join us for different parts of the week...this truly made the trip! I loved being able to spend time away from our busy lives with some of my favorite people.

This was the first time Zach & Molly got to meet Jacob! Josh, Megan & Jacob were able to come down for 3 days with us before going to Megan's work event also in Orlando so we got to see them an extra day too! Grandpa & Grandma came down for 3 days overlapping one with we could all be together. This was a dream for me to have family together on vacation.

Marci were college roommates and have remained the best of friends since. Her kids, Sherilyn (8) and John (7) are my god babies and so special to me. I love that live in Orlando and were able to spend some time each day of our vacation with us. Watching our kids play and laugh together warms my heart!

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