Monday, August 15, 2011

Ras & Renee's Wedding

Dave (Ras) lived with Andy when we met and has been a great friend to us. He met Renee 3 months after us but have been on a slower pace than us but have really had fun with them over the last 7 years. Renee also ran the TC10 last year which is Zach's favorite memory about them. They were married on 8/7 with a day time wedding so we took the kids. Then went to the evening reception at Edina County Club without them and had a great time!
They weren't into the pictures if you can't tell:)

Andy, Steve Utter, Matt Simpson, Andrea (Matt's gal), Michelle Randall
Michelle, Koren & Andrea
Time for the sing a song for a know Andy & Dan were up there!
Both funny and entertaining! They sang "Only You" (Yazoo).
Congrats to Renee & Ras!!

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