Molly loved playing with the older girls...Maggie and Callen (Brett's girlfriend)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Day at "Camp Fun" with Freeland's
We spent Sunday with the Kathy's boyfriend, Kevin's place. He lives in Lakeville on 19 acres of land with a great pool, playground and huge barn area. He has 4 horses and Kathy has one that she keeps there. It is seriously "Camp Fun"...impossible not to be having the greatest time. We played it all and grilled out...a wonderful day!!
Molly loved playing with the older girls...Maggie and Callen (Brett's girlfriend)

Molly loved playing with the older girls...Maggie and Callen (Brett's girlfriend)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Ras & Renee's Wedding
Dave (Ras) lived with Andy when we met and has been a great friend to us. He met Renee 3 months after us but have been on a slower pace than us but have really had fun with them over the last 7 years. Renee also ran the TC10 last year which is Zach's favorite memory about them.
They were married on 8/7 with a day time wedding so we took the kids. Then went to the evening reception at Edina County Club without them and had a great time!
They weren't into the pictures if you can't tell:)
Andy, Steve Utter, Matt Simpson, Andrea (Matt's gal), Michelle Randall
Michelle, Koren & Andrea
Time for the sing a song for a know Andy & Dan were up there!
Both funny and entertaining! They sang "Only You" (Yazoo).
Congrats to Renee & Ras!!

Both funny and entertaining! They sang "Only You" (Yazoo).
Congrats to Renee & Ras!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Koren's Birthday Celebration with friends
We had a great night celebrating with my favorite MN gals & dudes at my favorite restaurant, La Grolla. I am so blessed for great friends...happy birthday to me!
Sara, Heather, Stacy, Megan, Marjie, Koren & Kim
One of my oldest and dearest friends in Minnesota...Marjie. We don't get to see each other as much as we used to but our friendship remains as strong as ever.
Me and the Hardts...Megan & David. I love each of them and their kids like family.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Paddle Boats
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Kansas Girls in town
What's better than a weekend on the lake with your best friends? We had a great weekend!! Of the 9 of my close group of college friends, only 2 were missing (Ellen & Jenni)
Boating to dinner before the rest of the ladies got in town. Karrah, Kristin, Stacy, Koren & Marci. Karrah is Stacy's friend from Utah that we have adopted.
Jen, Heather & I hosted a shower for Stacy's twins
(boy & girl due in November but goal to get to October)
Marci, Kate, Jen, Koren, Stacy, Heather & Kristin
It is so fun to merge my MN friends with college friends. Stacy has joined our GNO group!! Stacy, Sara, Koren & Kari
After the shower, we jumped on the boat and hit the in the sun!!
Quick change and went to dinner then to Lord Fletcher's for some dancing (you will see that no one dances at 10pm...but by midnight it was hoping but we were tired. It is more fun to dance without the crowds!)
Karrah, Marci, Kate, Stacy, Koren, Kristin, Heather & Jen (and Bubba)
No one can tear up an empty dance floor like Marci & me!!
(boy & girl due in November but goal to get to October)

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